Data Modelling Screens in IDEA AddOn

Data Modelling screens in AddOn for Enterprise Architect

Converter BizzDesign to Sparx Enterprise Architect

Open Source AddOn with BizzDesign to Sparx converter

New version of the TEA and IDEA addon

New version of the TEA and IDEA AddOn

Visibility of assocations in ArchiMate diagrams

Visibility of associations in ArchiMate Diagrams

Welcome at Eaxpertise

Consultancy, training en ondersteuning op het gebied van Sparx Enterprise Architect

Models, documents and a architecture repository: Empty boxes

Reconsider the use of a design tool, not as a sketch tool but as a repository for creating attractive architectures and designs

A template for a logical application model in ArchiMate

This is a template for a logical application model and a number of scenarios for selecting an implementation of an application with a register function