Bert Dingemans
Bert is a data architect working often with Enterprise Architect mostly for UML class diagrams and ArchiMate 2.0. He uses Enterprise Architect for generating message documentation, XSD files and modelling enterprise architectures with ArchiMate 2.0. Now he is making the switch to web based documentation.
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Dennis Geluk
Dennis is a senior information analyst and partner at DiVetro in the Netherlands. He has over 20 years of experience in IT. During this period, he has fulfilled a broad spectre of roles at different customers. Dennis helped numerous customers in the configuration and implementation of EA. (configuration management and best practices). Currently Dennis is working at KLM as a business analyst and coach in implementing a new agile way of working. Over the years Dennis worked with a variety of case tools. He is familiar with different versions of Enterprise Architect and always tries to get the best out of the use of a case tool.
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Han van Roosmalen
Around the nineties Han van Roosmalen started his career as a software developer for a number of high-tech companies in the Netherlands and abroad. After a number of years his main area became software designer and software architect. During this time he helped a number of critical projects to become successful. The last ten years he helps his customers to obtain insight in their technical and non-technical issues and helped them to overcome these. Since 2006 he is self-employed and coaches information, enterprise, business, software architects and the-like to use tools such as Sparx EA. More importantly help them to pass their (architectural) message to the boardroom.
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Ian Mitchell
A long-standing EA user, business analyst mentor and teacher, Ian is the author of the popular eaDocX® document generator for EA and the EA model quality tool Model Expert, as well as being heavily involved with the design of Prolaborate. He also shares his observations from 30& years in IT at
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Jan de Liefde
Jan de Liefde is co-owner of The Collective and working as a senior consultant for public and private parties. His working field is mostly related to Model Based (Systems) Engineering and Technical Management during the different stages of the System Life Cycle of Infrastructure systems such as tunnels, sluices, water surge barriers and metro.
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Nizam Mohammed
13& Years with Sparx EA - Training, Consultation, Customization and Support. Offered Training and Consultation for Sparx EA clients across the world. Key Skills - Sparx EA - Metamodel definition, Deployment, MDG Development, Addin Development, Advanced Documentation Templates, Model Harvesting. Clients – Ericsson, Westpac, Vodafone, Digi, Infineon, MLC Insurance (Nippon), Kellogg
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Peter Lieber
Peter Lieber is the founder and owner of a number of software and related companies, and since 2014 he has held the position of President at the Austrian Software Industry Association (VÖSI) ( He enjoys sharing his business knowledge with entrepreneurs, managers and students, and with an underlying commitment to promoting the further evolution and global integration of Austria''s software sector. As the founder of SparxSystems Central Europe ( and LieberLieber Software (, Peter focuses on the so-called model-based development of software and systems. This new approach is paving the way for innovation in even the most challenging projects, such as the engineering of complex safety-critical systems in alignment with the principles of Industry 4.0.
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Rudi Claes
I am a senior solution architect and enterprise architect, associated with ( Since 2006, I have been implementing, teaching, coaching, and realizing projects with Sparx Enterprise Architect for various organizations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. With a specialization and certification in the Microsoft business intelligence (BI) stack since 2008, I have also delivered various BI training courses and realized multiple BI projects. EA4BI combines all my favorite ICT topics –enterprise architecture, modeling, business intelligence and Sparx.
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