In mid-November 2024 we plan to organize a one or two-day event around Sparx Enterprise Architect, Prolaborate and other add-ons. In order to offer you the most suitable program possible, we would now like to make an initial inventory of the topics. In previous events, the following setup worked fine:

  • One day of workshops, where two workshops of 4 hours each can be attended. These workshops each tackle a different topic by the horns. This ensures that there is enough time to go into depth.
  • A day with sessions of a maximum of 45 minutes spread over a number of tracks. Each session is about a different topic.

Training day

Which topics would you like to learn in more detail:

Please describe the subjects and topics of your interest for the training day

Session day

A viariety of topics will be discussed, such as a presentation of the new functions of Sparx EA 17 and Prolaborate 5, demonstration of various add-ons, but also a multitude of interesting topics.

  • Participants are free to give a presentation about the area of application for which they use it.

  • An important part of users use Sparx EA to model (business) processes. EA offers the option of modeling DMN and CMMN including simulation in addition to BPMN.

  • Creating different types of data modeling are also widely used. EA offers a wide range of features to support this.

  • Sparx EA is also frequently used to model (non-software) systems.

  • There are now various options for creating thread models.
  • Please describe the subjects and topics of your interest for the session day

General questions

What appeals to you, what would you like to attend and what topic would you like to present. Would you like to attend the workshop day?

Please specify the subject of your training session
Please specify the subject of your 45 minutes session
My emailaddress is Please give any extra suggestions, remarks or ideas for the event

Thank you for your contribution! The organizers:

  • Dennis and Richard, Divetro
  • Bert, Han and Peter, EAxpertise

For more information on EA User group conferences in Europe visit

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